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Energy savings due to the "new energy economy" and "going green" creates benefits of decreased maintenance and utility expenses and will increase the value of your commercial space. Retrofitting can be done in a cost efficient way that will serve your needs  better than your current lighting system.  If your establishment uses T12 fixtures now you will eventually have to replace them.  Replacing these fixtures can save you money,  improve lighting quality and substantially reduce maintenance costs.  Adding the rebates currently offered by many power companies and local governments, changing out (retrofitting) your light fixtures can pay for themselves in a short period of time.  In addition to changes in the area of T12 fixtures, there are also energy efficiency standards currently being mandated for metal halide fixtures and incandescent fixtures as well. 

Progressive Electric Service, Inc., would like to help you with your energy efficient lighting needs, installation and wiring of premium efficiency motors, and wiring of other efficient geothermal systems. We are committed to helping our clients meet the ideals of a new energy economy in a cost effective manner.

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